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File: 286 KB, 600x900, CVIII.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10785875 No.10785875 [Reply] [Original]

Which is the best Classicvania and why is it CV3?

>> No.10785979
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>> No.10785984

levels are too long in 3. 1 will always be the best

>> No.10785997


>> No.10786001

Any reason to play the US version over the Japan version of CV3?

>> No.10786016

*Slowdowns in your way*

>> No.10786073

You must be thinking of Castlevania 4. This is Bloodlines, which has far less problem with slowdowns thanks to running on a console that is 3 times faster.

>> No.10786081

lmao, hi dude

>> No.10786130

>Classicvania rankings:
3 > 1 > Bloodlines > IV > X

Only listed Castlevania games I have played. I own a copy of Simon's Quest but need to really sit down and give it a proper shot.

>> No.10786208

Nah BL has really horrible slowdowns, more than 4. Play the game, fight bosses like the Golem in Atlantis or the robot im Germany and tell me it's fine.
Especially because the MD has a faster CPU it's totally inexcusable.
Still a good game though as the other consoles classicvanias are. We we're blessed with this series back then

>> No.10786269

>Bloodlines would've had two more playable characters in the form of Yoko Belnades, a ninja, and Bolt Ericcson, a mace-wielder from another branch family of the Belmonts
I wonder how the series would've played out from there.

>> No.10786278

>Yoko Belnades, a ninja,
Meh. Ninjas are great and all but they do not feel castlevania-y
>and Bolt Ericcson, a mace-wielder
Now this sounds great. Maces do not get enough love.

>> No.10786282
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I'm a huge NESfag and I love 3 but XX will always be my favourite

>> No.10786297

I like SCIV, Chronicles, and Bloodlines. I still have not yet played III

>> No.10786302

First game by far. I love rondo but the pacing compared to 1 is way too long.

>> No.10786478

i grw up with CV IV, but recently I played CV III, and I have to say that it is the perfect game. The graphics are also beautiful.

>> No.10786540

1. Castlevania III
2. Bloodlines
3. X68000
4. Rondo
5. Belmont's Revenge
6. The Adventure ReBirth
7. Castlevania
8. Super IV
9. Dracula X
10. Castlevania II
11. The Adventure

Haven't played Legends, Haunted Castle or Vampire Killer

>> No.10786554

It starts off as a perfect game, but the Dracula's Castle levels are not very fun.

>> No.10786571
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III is a masterpiece, but the Simon trinity still reigns supreme.

>> No.10786586

Contrarian: Gabriel games
Philistine: Alucard games
Plebeian: Simon games
Dilettante: Soma games
Connoisseur: Morris games
Patrician: Christopher games

>> No.10786589

>Connoisseur: Morris games
Come on dude

>> No.10786596

Bloodlines is top tier classic and Portrait is top tier metroid. Simple as.

>> No.10787954

this is fact.

>> No.10787962

castlevania was cool before they turned all the characters into girls

>> No.10787989

This thread got my noggin 'a' joggin.. How long has it been since a classicvania came out? I'm probably wrong but it can't be Dracula X from '95 can it? Criminal if ture. I'm drawing a blank otherwise. Everything else I can think of is metroidvania or 3dvania.

>> No.10787996

>they haven't even released a new castlevania game in 10 years
ded series

>> No.10787997

The classic series continued with 2 titles on N64 and 2 titles on PS2.
You may not like it but that was the course of the series.

Nobody wanted to play challenging 2D sidescrollers anymore during those generations, see the reception Dracula XX got even as early as 1995. Sidescrollers make a come back on the GBA, but instead of challenge people wanted content in the form of backtracking and RPG elements.
Each era of the series represent what action video games were like as a whole, with only DXX being released at the tipping point of 2 eras

>> No.10788000

Better a dead series than an always-online cash shop ridden gacha shitfest

>> No.10788005

>The graphics are also beautiful.
Would gladly take another game that looks like CV3. Nothing against the 16bit titles as they also look great but Castlevania looks/feels better in 8bit.

>> No.10788007

>challenger reveals collection of boring golem and robot bosses

>> No.10788008
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>now that Toriyama is dead there will never be a new Castlevania game

>> No.10788010

>that it is the perfect game
fuck that. way too much annoying shit in it for it to be perfect.

>> No.10788013

Modern Konami would rape the fuck out of it.

>> No.10788020

Everyone shut the hell up and listen to this.


>> No.10788024

the jap version is piss ez
you can cheese practically the entire game with grant

>> No.10788029

too late netflix beat them to it

>> No.10788036

You may play the Japanese version, but only knowing that it's like playing the game on easy difficulty, while the European version is Normal difficulty, and the US version is Hard difficulty. Of course, being 50hz, the European version is unplayable and belongs in a trash can (preferably one that leads to being burnt rather than one going into a landfill) so all that's left is your choice between Easy and Hard. So, play the JPN version first if you want, but make sure to play the US version after.

>> No.10788067

>boring golem and robot bosses
Not a robot but possessed gears/parts. Granted it doesn't feel very Castlevania-y. The golem in Atlantis tho is pretty cool iMo.

>> No.10788090


>> No.10788161

so you dont play the beta version

>> No.10788173

The adventure rebirth for wiiware

>> No.10788175

ouch, that one is best left forgotten. It feels like a shitty fan game that doesn't know what it's doing and just throws everything and the sink at the player with zero consistency and thought behind it

but also, Legends was released in 97 but that one too is best left forgotten

>> No.10788179

the adventure rebirth's greatest sin is not including the battle of the holy. Even though they made an updated version of that song, it didn't get in. Fucking baffling.


>> No.10788221
File: 141 KB, 1440x720, castlevaniahqdefault-6-Cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a PSA that Death is not THAT bad.
>inb4 just holy water cheese it
I have only ever beaten death with the boomerang cross. Toss the cross at him then take out his scythes with your whip. Rinse and repeat.

>> No.10788608
File: 249 KB, 1000x1000, castlevania-iv-button-1599257016443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>given a number like it is a sequel
>is actually just a re-telling of the first game
What is wrong with it just being called "Super Castlevania"? Why the IV?

>> No.10788634

Because the localization thought this was Simon's fourth battle with Dracula after CV1, CV2, and The Adventure (the latter because they didn't even know he was supposed to be Christopher).

>> No.10788692

This is nothing compared to what happened to Dracula XX

>> No.10788924

>ouch, that one is best left forgotten. It feels like a shitty fan game that doesn't know what it's doing and just throws everything and the sink at the player with zero consistency and thought behind it
God you're such a fucking retard. Adventure Rebirth has the cleanest and most technical game design out of any classicvania, period. The level designs are like dense tapestries of environmental traps and enemy placements where every single piece is in its right place. The game's only flaws are its awful door-unlocking mechanic and its lack of memorable set pieces, making for a somewhat forgettable experience.

>> No.10788949

Probably more marketable and less confusing than if it was just called "Castlevania".
1, 4, Haunted Castle, and X68000 are all called Akumajou Dracula over there.

>> No.10788952

You can also level up the Cross on your way to his room. The Axe Knights, Medusas, and Candles give plenty of opportunities to get the Triple Shot by the time you reach Death. Also makes that hallway much easier than trying to take it on with only the whip.

>> No.10788953
File: 614 KB, 2151x1606, EupQQ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause konami dumb.
not the best answer but its what im giving

>> No.10790518
File: 35 KB, 480x360, CV3Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played CV3 last night until I got to pic related. Furthest I've ever been and having a blast. Usually I get frustrated at the falling block stage and give up but apparently I chose the better path by taking the ghost ship. Will take another crack at tonight hopefully.

>> No.10790889

Why wasnt this on the classic collection?

>> No.10791279

It's on the GBA collection for whatever reason.
If they eventually make a DS collection I bet they'll snuck Chronicles there.

>> No.10791602

There are people posting ITT who beat CV1 and 3 and who still don't know you can get Item II and III by hitting candles with subweapons.

>> No.10791645

I think it works by just using the subweapons, on enemies too. But yeah it's a cool powerup mechanic. Wish they didn't remove it, same with the whip upgrades.

>> No.10791658

It's specific candles that will give Item II and III, usually ones that normally spawn subweapons themselves (but not all of them) so you can actually learn which candle it is rather than wasting hearts hitting all candles with subweapons

>> No.10791715

Knew about 3 but never about CV1. Neat!

>> No.10791735

>Rondo of Blood except shittier
>your favourite

>> No.10791738

The romhack that adds it in is great. It's wild how just changing the music can make the game itself seem way more fun.


>> No.10791742

>Has never played Dracula X
>Probably never played Rondo to completion either

>> No.10791760

I thought they only spawned from single-heart candles.

>> No.10791763

I’m usually not a fan of NTSC cover art, but this one blows the JP version out of the water.

>> No.10791962
File: 93 KB, 353x512, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to look it up. You weren't joking! It's horrible.

>> No.10791990

CV3 is great and what solidifies it as my favorite is the Death boss fight. The slowdown makes it even more intense. My favorite Dracula fight is Bloodlines though.

>> No.10792051
File: 16 KB, 300x300, enhance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10792095

I love CV3 but it has a lot of "that part". I almost never take Alucard's ruote because it's so annoying, and some level in the castle are a pain too.

>> No.10792478

For years i didn't know about it, but it's my fault since I've never read the manual. I didn't even know wtf II and III did

>> No.10792541

There were like a couple characters that were always girls.

>> No.10793017

I can understand on paper why 3 is best
>jp sound
>lv branching
>many companions for logevity
>kino drac bossfight
But for some reason I always replay 1 or 4

>> No.10793109 [DELETED] 

>which one looks cooler on a shiny black 80s shelf
it's the jap cover art by a mile

>> No.10793113

dracula is fucking pissed holy shit

>> No.10793246
File: 416 KB, 1192x620, JoMoBA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dracula is fucking pissed holy shit
You would be too if after finally being resurrected you see these two Chad's heading your way

>> No.10794351
File: 189 KB, 256x375, Master_of_Darkness_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which is the best Classicvania
Master of Darkness.

>> No.10794359

Not The New Generation (yes, specifically the PAL 50hz version with censored graphics, more soul)?

>> No.10795513

I've heard of it and watched some YouTube vids since it was dubbed the "master systems castlevania". While I would love to try it for myself I can't say it passes the eye test.

>> No.10797157

US version has better music, unless your taste isn't that good in which case Japanese version has better music (both are great though)

>> No.10797159

technically you don't even have to rinse

>> No.10797197

Have you heard the hybrid mix?


>> No.10797640

>CV3 is great and what solidifies it as my favorite is the Death boss fight
Just beat him yesterday was NOT expecting the 2nd form. Very good level all around. The next stage however.. I'm having issues. Hopefully with a little more practice I'll nail it down but I haven't even been able to make it to the boss yet.

>> No.10797885 [DELETED] 

>The Philistines are known for their biblical conflict with the Canaanite peoples of the region, in particular, the Israelites.
The jews are trying to subvert art. Again. What a news.

>> No.10797950

They all rock. Simon's Quest is even fun if you take it for what it is. But the best is easily IV. Disregard the autists in this thread inevitably shitting on it out of contrarian reflex.

>> No.10798846

US version was butchered.

>> No.10799108

>US version was butchered
Outside of difficulty being ramped up how so? Generally curious as I'm not familiar.

>> No.10799116

>All enemy damage is locked so that by Stage 5, you die in four hits no matter what
>Grant gets a speedy knife stab for his main attack in place of his single, slow throwing knife of the JP version
>More bats during delicate platforming areas
>Adds a second loop, replacing the Medusa Heads with unpredictable, unkillable, un-time stoppable skulls
Those are the main ones.

>> No.10799496


Also born and raised by the 6th gen

>> No.10799565

Maybe you should try being better at video games.

>> No.10799569

He never said those are problems. He just listed the differences, you donuts.
In fact it sounds like he's praising the change to Grant, and I kinda agree with him.

>> No.10799883

The SNES CPU is kinda shit desu, it's got great colors and blend modes and such but damn the slowdown is painful on a lot of games (on real hardware), SuperFX 1 & 2 made up for nearly all of its shortcomings but they were a little expensive and came too late. I also don't like the SNES audio filter that forced instruments to sound like wet echoey slop unless the dev was very careful to mitigate or circumvent them. Still love the console to bits but it was underpowered for the time it released. I dunno about 3 times faster CPU but the Genesis really was a good deal faster, and rendered at a wider aspect ratio to boot!

Emulation makes up for it, I love FastROM hacks and CPU overclocking. :3 Most Genesis games behave poorly when overclock is applied, -1 for Genesis decades later. Oh and emulation even lets you turn off the audio filter or replace it with something sharper, but not the reverb sadly. Genesis' low pass filter sucks in comparison, Sonic's spin dash and roll are still painful to listen to.

>> No.10799913

The thing is that at the end of the day CPU numbers don't matter as much as how skilled a developer can be.
If it was just up to raw Specs, nobody should be here on /vr/, we would all have forgotten about old, slow retro machines and only care about the newest, most powerful modern PCs. But that doesn't happen because a good video game is a good video game independently of specs.
That's why threetimes autist is just that, an autist with the SNES rent free.

>> No.10800093

>>10799913 I want to see the 3times autist in full 2000-character action.

>> No.10800653

>If it was just up to raw Specs, nobody should be here on /vr/
You keep raising this long refuted point as though it's at all revelant. It's not. The skills of the developers of the time are the reason for why the 16-bit era was so legendarily great, however, these developers were held back by the lacklustre capabilities of the SNES, compared to they're greater ambitions and more broad freedom that they could experience making games for the litany of far less bottlenecked hardwares at the time. Even the most talented developers struggled to make the deficient and slow SNES sputter and chug to make a decent gaming experience, it was simply not up to task. Specs don't matter in the long run, but the base hardware has to at least be up to a certain standard, a standard to which the SNES falls extremely short.
And, if you don't believe me, just look at the homebrews scene. Thriving and virile on capable 16-bit hardwares such as the Mega Drive, Neo Geo, Amiga, even the PC Engine is seeing some, yet non-existent on the SNES. Modern developers know just as well as old ones that the SNES is simply not worth the bother.
>I dunno about 3 times faster
The stock SNES is 2.68 mhz, the stock Mega Drive is 7.58. On top of that, the Mega Drive bus width is 2x greater, 16-bit bus versus the SNES 8-bit bus, the Mega Drive offers 16 registers that are each 32-bits wide versus the SNES mere 3 of 16-bits wide, and the Mega Drive can perform useful data migration and arithmetics in as little as 4 clock cycles versus the typical 5 or 6 to accomplish the same on the SNES. Additionally, the SNES finds itself constantly clocking down to a mere 1.78 mhz in order to poll the controllers, which is not an issue on the Mega Drive. In practical terms, the Mega Drive's CPU is likely far more than 3 times faster, probably 4 or more times faster, which is quite sad and pathetic for a console that is not only 2 years newer than the Mega Drive, but also more expensive.

>> No.10800672

for me it's deja vu


>> No.10800686

I always call it the boomerang, never the cross. You will not stop me.

>> No.10800804

>call it the boomerang, never the cross
I tend to call it "cross boomerang" which makes it sound more like its a megaman power up

>> No.10801148

It always bugged me how the US release gives you the Axe for Dracula, which can hit his final form easily from the ground, while the JP release gives you the Cross and encourages you get on those platforms and engage him directly to do any damage as Trevor. It's a weird instance of the US version arguably making the game easier.

By the way, does anyone know how to deal with the Second Loop Skulls consistently? Always feels like luck when I get past them.

>> No.10801149

Huh, more interesting than I thought. I'm convinced, 3times autist. Though keep in mind their CPUs are very different, clock speed isn't everything. There's a reason multiplats existed at all on SNES, it could hold its own despite some hefty framerate drops. From a quick google search (nobody ever cites sources so take this with a grain of salt):
>the SNES's [Ricoh] 65816 ran at up to 3.58 MHz, while the Genesis's M68000 ran at 7.68 MHz, but that does not tell the full story. Many instructions on the 65816 require only 2 CPU cycles, whereas even the fastest instructions on the M68000 require 4 cycles, and many require more.
It is also claimed on Wikipedia that the SNES CPU slows down "when accessing some slower peripherals", which seems to imply that regular controllers don't cause this, but it's a vague statement and also it's Wikipedia, trust it if you dare. :V

>> No.10801159

To be fair, there are a massive amount of games for the SNES that failed to utilize fastrom even though every iteration of the console supported it.

>> No.10801209

>And, if you don't believe me, just look at the homebrews scene.
I won't because most of these guys aren't on the level of the 90s japanese developers.
You just have an autistic hateboner for the SNES. Your opinion is unimportant. You will die, and the SNES will continue to have fans. Your mission already failed, unless you can somehow time-travel and convince all these japanese developers to not support the system. Good luck.

>> No.10801312
File: 22 KB, 1920x1080, earthion-vintage-stg-thumb_feature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of these guys aren't on the level of the 90s japanese developers
Japanese developers are continuing to achieve awesome results on the Mega Drive, pic related. Shame the SNES will never see the same, with it's shit hardware that no developer, Japanese nor Western, wants to deal with.
>Many instructions on the 65816 require only 2 CPU cycles, whereas even the fastest instructions on the M68000 require 4 cycles, and many require more
This was addressed.
>the Mega Drive can perform useful data migration and arithmetics in as little as 4 clock cycles versus the typical 5 or 6 to accomplish the same on the SNES
It's a sad cope of an argument that is brought up to attempt to make the SNES seem "equal", but it does not hold up to scrutiny. When you look at the actual instructions that the SNES can perform in 2 cycles, they are very basic "do nothing" operations, or operations that change the internal state of the CPU, and nothing more. When you look at the actual instructions the Mega Drive can perform in 4 clock cycles, they are data migration and arithmetics, the actual useful instructions that would constitute the bulk of a game's code.
>seems to imply that regular controllers don't cause this
Regular controllers do cause the downclocking just as well. Other controllers may cause even worst downclocking, of that I am not certain.
>multiplats existed at all on SNES
They were in almost every single instance largely degraded on the SNES, suffering from common issues such as frequent slowdowns, input lags, lower resolution, and even cutting out content in many cases. We will agree to disagree on this constituting the SNES "holding it's own".

>> No.10801365

>Japanese developers are continuing to achieve awesome results on the Mega Drive, pic related.
Earthion might be pretty cool, we'll see when it releases. I trust in Yuzo.
But that's just one example and lets be honest, it's not going to surpass the classics from back in the 80s and 90s.
It's cool that some japanese guys want to give some love to an old console. Ex-SNK guys also made Unholy Night for SNES, but it's not something that will become a "thing", these consoles already had their time. Any new stuff that's made for them is like a cool extra, same as homebrew and hacks, but they will always be remembered for their original catalogue.
These consoles are all old by now, make the calculus on how many TIMES FASTER modern CPUs are, it will blow your mind.

>> No.10801770

Damn. Clock cycles and data migration? Sign me up. None of that mattered in the 90's bro. I was an sms kid. I fucking loved sega. I also had a snes and rented a md every other weekend to play exactly 3 games: Monsterworld, Tj&e and kid chameleon. Thats it. I played a ton of other MD games, but the thing is, not many of them were very good. Most of them weren't much better than their master system contemporaries. Pretty glad I had a snes, it meant that I never really fell into any particular camp on either side of console warring. I just think its funny that people are so damn defensive about shit like this. You know whats powerful and has lots of clock cycles and data migration? The PS5. You know what it doesn't have? Good games. Hmm. That sounds familiar.

>> No.10801856
File: 268 KB, 609x771, Castlevania Mural.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some boss fights have their arenas and moves changed a bit, and the NG+ cycle has three unique enemy types that have unique traits.

>> No.10801863

His earlier post said the U.S. version was butchered, implying that he does think the details he listed are problems.

>> No.10801891

I don't disagree by any means, I don't have the knowledge for that. By "holding its own" I only mean that the SNES is in the same ballpark as the Genesis, not that its CPU can truly compete. It's not a total blowout in the same way the Genesis overpowers a previous generation system like MS and NES. Nonetheless the SNES CPU seems to lose in every category.
A vast majority of the library is SlowROM isn't it?

>> No.10801903

Naturally it only matters as adults. You'd definitely have your share of people debating which was better back in the day, but technical information wasn't so readily available and a kid would only know what they see and hear. And as kids we didn't think anything of games that had slowdown, so the BLAST PROCESSING marketing didn't produce rivalry nearly as much as other aesthetic qualities like visuals & audio.

That's not to say slowdown meant completely nothing as kids. It could have been a deciding factor as to whether or not we liked a game, but it was mostly the straw that broke the camel's back. I can't remember any egregious games off-hand that perform so badly even a late 80s — early 90s kid would scoff at them, but I'm sure there's some examples.

>> No.10802128

I wouldn't say butchered. More like a mixed bag.

>> No.10802150

The second I saw that Butt-head face, I immediately heard this in my head:
>uhuhuhuh, i'm gonna like, kick your ass, Dracula. uhuhuhuh