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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 52 KB, 267x374, Ecco-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10942042 No.10942042 [Reply] [Original]

>find the switch
>push the boulder
>go refill your air
>fight against shitty westoid collision detection

Am I missing something? When does it get good?

>> No.10942047

Ecco was never good gameplay-wise, merely interesting and unique in its presentation

>> No.10942107

>playing games you don't enjoy
You will never feel included, you will never fit in

>> No.10942117

Lmao. If you are suffering already there you are in for a ride.
It was an innovative and beautiful game, but it is hard as fuck, not in a "defy to overcome" way, but rather in a "fuck this shit" one.

I really wonder how many people actually finished the game because the last stages are pure madness

>> No.10942125

If you can speak French le joueur du grenier has an hilarious review of it:

>> No.10942130

Honestly, I don't really want to revisit this one because of Welcome to the Machine by itself. That was such an unpleasant experience and I was happy when I finally beat it and the final boss after (that pulls a Ninja Gaiden on you if you die there and forces you to do a previous hard section all over again suddenly).

>> No.10942203

I honestly never understood the appeal of this game even as a kid.

>> No.10942332 [DELETED] 

It's one of the best games I have ever played, but it's certainly not for everyone. Given your dishonest use of reductio ad absurdum, it's fairly obvious you started playing it with the full intention of hating it and shitting over it.
Just return to your Zeldas, Metroids and Marios and call it a day, the game will never get good from your perspective.

>> No.10942336 [DELETED] 

>bringing console wars out of actually nowhere

>> No.10942367 [DELETED] 

Some people never got over it and are still butthurt.
I expect the same with current /v/ and cp2077, it mindbroke them so much that they are never going to get over it

>> No.10942474

>When does it get good?
When you boot it up.

>> No.10942503 [DELETED] 

>pearl clutching over "console wars"
We know who's bitching about this game. You're not clever or subtle.

>> No.10942507

It's a DUDE DRUGS LMAO type of game

>> No.10942541 [DELETED] 

>We know who's bitching about this game
People who realize that 95% of 16bit console games from western developers sucked ass? This has many of the typical flaws of this kind of jank, like the labyrinthine level design, dodgy hitboxes and emphasis on the visual presentation over gameplay. It's just missing the flamboyant animations and gameplay style that changes every other level.

>> No.10942560 [DELETED] 

>the labyrinthine level design
Nothing wrong with that, it's a game about exploration. I don't see anyone complaining about the labyrinths in Zelda or Metroid.
>dodgy hitboxes
Never had a problem with them, this sounds more like a cliché.
>emphasis on the visual presentation over gameplay.
The visuals are certainly amazing, but the gameplay is also great if you connect with the premise. Ecco is super fun to control once you get the hang on it, sometimes you just start jumping around without focusing on the main goals.
And what's your idea of a game focused on gameplay? A game like Super Metroid, where dying is impossible and you spend most of the time shooting at walls and setting bombs?

>> No.10943120

I beat the Sega CD one as a kid but never beat Echo 2.

>> No.10943246

I wanted to like it, beautiful presentation, great gameplay premise, the novelty of a 2d sidescroller being a quasi horror game, but the specific combination of relentless respawning enemies and laybrinth design eventually killed my enjoyment around the prehistoric levels. When I heard how much grueling trial and error the final level entails I tapped out and finished my playthrough on youtube.

>> No.10943251

one of the rare 2d games that would benefit massively from an analog stick.

>> No.10943282 [DELETED] 

>Suddenly bringing up a Nintendo property out of nowhere again.
That other Anon's right, you ARE trying to dredge up console war shit.

>> No.10943345 [DELETED] 

It was already a console war the moment OP decided to shit on one of the most highly regarded Mega Drive games. Again, you people aren't subtle or clever, when there's only one type of person going around and shitting on great games like this, it's not hard to tell. Sorry there's nothing like this on you're beloved SNES, you should put down that 2.68 mhz toy and pick up some real games from the awesome 16-bit era instead.

>> No.10943529

this game was literally inspired by the scientist trying to teach a dolphin to speak english and ended up jacking him off because she started thinking of him as her boyfriend

>> No.10943530 [DELETED] 

>one of the most highly regarded Mega Drive games
Maybe at the time. If you look at recent reviews and revaluations you'll find that they're mostly negative. And before you bring up console war shit again, it's not a phenomenom exclusive to Sega, DK64 got a stellar reception and it took years for people to realize that it was a piece of shit.

>> No.10943556

>game has a air meter
>game has a air meter FOR THE ENTIRE GAME
Dropped. It's already bad enough in the rare water level, nobody wants to deal with this constant annoyance.

>> No.10943557 [DELETED] 

>"Maybe at the time"
>SNES fan doesn't actually like retro games
Colour me surprised.

>> No.10943585 [DELETED] 

>non sequitur
Shame on me for taking you seriously, looking at your posts it's clear that you're just trying to stir up shit.

>> No.10943604 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know

>> No.10943606


>> No.10944090

yeah and her boss was swimming in a sensory deprivation tank high on ketamine, trying to telepathically connect with the dolphin

>> No.10944157

>game has a air meter FOR THE ENTIRE GAME

>> No.10944515

nah it was inspired by john lilly the guy who invested the sensory deprivation technique and spoke to a benevolent alien organization named ECCO (the extraterrestrial coincidence control organization) who are battling the evil Solid State Intelligence SSI who are trying to take over the world and turn it into a machine
John Lilly, Ketamine and The Entities From ECCO
Nonetheless, this close brush with the grim reaper's scythe didn't deter Lilly from further solo flights on K; it only reaffirmed his deeply held conviction that his life was being watched over by higher powers of an extraterrestrial origin. Lilly referred to this network of sublime entities as ECCO, an acronym for "Earth Coincidence Control Office." Lilly was positive that all of these fortuitous coincidences in his life (such as Halecki's life-saving phone call) had been arranged by higher forces; and that whatever unfortunate folly fell into his path along the road to knowledge, ECCO would be there.

But ECCO was not there only to guide Lilly unfettered through his mind-bending research; these extraterrestrial benefactors were also there to test Lilly, to help him overcome his deepest darkest fears with psychic-shock therapy. One evening after a kick-ass shot of K, Lilly sat watching TV when an alien representative of ECCO appeared and — with some advanced form of psychic surgery — bloodlessly removed John's penis, nonchalantly handing it over to him. "They've cut off my penis," Dr. Lilly exclaimed. His wife Toni came to the rescue and pointed out to John that his penis was still intact. Upon closer examination of his male member, Lilly saw that the ET's had replaced his normal human penis with a mechanical version that could become voluntary erect when he wanted it to. An hour later, after the effects of the K wore off, John Lilly found his normal human penis in place of the mechanical one, exactly where it had always been.

>> No.10944592

>I really wonder how many people actually finished the game because the last stages are pure madness
I did, but I used a password to get there.

>> No.10944610

That's kind of hot

>> No.10944625

> westoid collision detection
The game was made in hungary retard

>> No.10944632

so, in europe? aka in the west?
>oh but that's eastern europe
yeah but it's not the eastern most part of the globe.

>> No.10944641

pinnacle of demo kiosk game you shat around with for three minutes while your mom bought more useless shit from kmart

>> No.10944670

you play ecco for the vibes


>> No.10944749

Where did the the idea of Ecco being a bad game come from

>> No.10944769

>When does it get good?
You think it gets better? Oh boy

>> No.10945120


I'd never seen it here prior to opening this thread. Presumably there have always been lots of people who loved it and lots who disliked it. It's a sometimes difficult game, so some people will hate it because they are retards. It's a little bit janky in ways, so some people will fixate on aspects of that and hate the game for it. But it's cool and pretty and evocative and fun, and the grueling final challenge sequence in it, though ridiculously harsh and somewhat out-of-place, is perfectly fair and perfectly reasonable to expect a decent player to beat, except in that it does throw you abruptly into the semi-janky, terribly unsafe, checkpoint-free final battle toward its end which is not a very good thing (I'll agree with that complaint). So some people will like it. Whatever, it's fine. Not everybody has to like every good thing.

>> No.10945412
File: 1.74 MB, 250x224, eccofgc018etdslide.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty specific, if you don't like it after the first few levels you probably never will.

One of the most important things in Ecco is doing the dolphin saving quests in the first few levels. One gives you a long range sonar attack and the other gives you a more powerful charge which you can use to perma-kill enemies and that becomes very important in later levels.

>> No.10945428

When the good music kicks in. Also, when someone else plays the game.

>> No.10945440

It's an interesting game but it's clearly not for everyone, if you don't enjoy it then it is better that you drop it.

>> No.10945451

How do you know which part of the globe is western, retard? It's a fucking sphere.

>> No.10945582
File: 13 KB, 572x312, Lat_Long.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10945607

A lot of people(like me), rented it from places like blockbuster when they were children. The game is really punishing, and if it's a rental you'll most likely wander around aimlessly and die on the first few levels, especially before internet walkthroughs and youtube tutorials existed.
Unlike me, a lot of the people that had that happen simply assumed it was a bad game rather than a difficult or obtuse one.

>> No.10945634
File: 39 KB, 400x486, image_2024-05-19_144037141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Britain invented time, deal with it.

>> No.10945667

So just like the entire Silent Hill franchise?

>> No.10945681

just wait until you realize that applies to every “beloved” genesis game

>> No.10945692

Bloodlines and Hard Corps kick ass

>> No.10945702

Nah, better than that.

>> No.10945764

That's some heavy Nintendo cope just because not every Sega game was designed to be easy for a 10 year old to beat doesn't make them bad.

>> No.10946006
File: 10 KB, 320x224, Ecco_the_Dolphin_JP_debug_menu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the way to anyone who likes the idea of Ecco but just wants to explore on your own or make it a little easier and not have to deal with the breath meter, all versions of the game have a debug menu that you can use to either make yourself invulnerable, give infinite air, teleport within the level and play around with the music tempo if you like.

>> No.10948082 [DELETED] 

Indian hands wrote this

>> No.10948109

>One gives you a long range sonar attack and the other gives you a more powerful charge which you can use to perma-kill enemies and that becomes very important in later levels.
I'm aware of these items and obtained them, neither particularly addressed my frustrations.

>> No.10948112

The levels with the air meter are the easy levels.

>> No.10948115 [DELETED] 

people playing it and realizing cramped tunnels, instantly respawning enemies, and slow turning momentum heavy movement in combination becomes extremely annoying.

>> No.10948137

imagine ninja gaiden's enemy spawn system where one errant step backwards has a dozen enemies burst onto the screen like a pinata but the levels are confusing mazes with mandatory backtracking.

>> No.10948150

are you the same kind of retard who thinks hispanics are white and arabs are the same as east asians?

>> No.10948190

>Ecco was never good gameplay-wise, merely interesting and unique in its presentation
So what you're saying is that Ecco was the first true AAA game

>> No.10948195

>westoid collision detection
Seriously, why was this such a ubiquitous concept in western games at the time?

>> No.10948254

explain it. I mean, I think I understand what you mean, but how would you describe it in words. And give other examples.

>> No.10948286

Its not an action game like that. You're meant to perma kill enemies in areas you'll need to back track.

>> No.10948312
File: 192 KB, 281x354, 1706839710539296.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10948992

I love eurojank.