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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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75841564 No.75841564 [Reply] [Original]

Break Edition

Previous Thread >>75832214

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel

>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list, VTL team info)

>Thread Template

>> No.75841609
File: 1.71 MB, 1920x1080, fwmc idol pledge[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fqw09by.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.75841714

Honestly it's kinda surreal to me we're going back to break mode for /baubau/. I wasn't expecting another one so soon

>> No.75841773

>Hopefully next time FuwaMoco can join us
Please, please let them be ok for Sunday...

>> No.75841790

Find a desperate single over 30. Preferably a 6 out of 10 and give her tons of compliments and affection. You cannot fail with this method, especially if she has cats.

>> No.75841832

Seems abit too early for them. 2 weeks off is best.

>> No.75841848


>> No.75841899


>> No.75841905

Yeah, I know it's for the best, it's just a little sad to hear them say that and know that it probably means they won't be there on Sunday.

>> No.75841941

>Even when my barker doesn't bark too good, I will continue to wag my tail by your side.
So that was a fucking lie

>> No.75842008

As long as they meet offline, is fine.

>> No.75842039

If they aren't better by then, they need more rest. Sucks but that is the absolute priority right now.

>> No.75842052
File: 177 KB, 850x1275, 1702717069094550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GGs Lancelot ruffian
I'm sorry I started sweating when I saw you starting to landing those 45% hp combos
There was a lot of shit I didn't know what to do against like your tp loops in the corner or once I got hit with the unique fireball which I feel you could've capitalized more with, and holy fuck I hate that DP since it shits on my parry

>> No.75842102

Yeah, but they won't tweet about cute moments either...

>> No.75842192

they will when they meet up

>> No.75842292

They've barely fun-tweeted since their move. I'll believe it when I see it.

>> No.75842355


>> No.75842691

So long as they don't do any stupid showmanship like scream for no reason they should be fine. Unless they are actually sick, like a cold or flu

>> No.75842706

I bet they get a small feeling of dread now when they think about having to send a message the Ruffians. The honeymoon period truly is over.

>> No.75842840

ggs and it's fine i'm playing lancelot anyways
i'm pretty sure it's still in your favor versus lance 22U if you're in stance since as long as you don't press anything you'll dodge the first hit since it's a mid and still be in invuln as the overhead comes
i dropped a lot of hits especially the corner juggles, keep flip-flopping between pad and stick trying to find one comfortable enough stay with

>> No.75843489

Yeah, because ruffians fucking loathe their own oshi
>FuwaMoco is sick and need the support of their fans more than ever during this rough time

>> No.75843562

Who? One or two faggot posters here?

>> No.75843629

Anyone who gets sick in 2024 only has themselves to blame. Wash your fucking hands

>> No.75843829


>> No.75843853
File: 912 KB, 1063x1500, 1712785358793811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruffians, we're sorry for missing the offcollab, Bau Bau... How can we make it up to you all?

>> No.75843862

mr paradise...

>> No.75843998

>wrong color clothes
they're going to cry

>> No.75844000

That's gonna be a Biboo and Shiori offcollab. Nerissa is doing something else that day. It's Fuwover

>> No.75844028

Staying off all social media and getting more rest so they can come back with their usual energy

>> No.75844029

Just keep resting and take care of yourselves first and foremost
And have some fun offline together with Advent if you're feeling up for it. You both don't give enough time for yourselves to enjoy the fact you're in Japan

>> No.75844030

Chill out a little. Your hag bodies can't take all the stress and I don't want to see you idiots burn yourselves out and turn what could be a few year career inti a single year.

>> No.75844224

There's a difference between nonpreventable illness and diseases you get licking doorknobs

>> No.75844347

They are pregnant

>> No.75844361

I'm sorry, Asclepius, I'm not aware you can cure allergies.

>> No.75844428

Yeah, with my kids.

>> No.75844444

Tell me what kind of allergies exactly keep you from streaming for weeks and you can pass on to your sister?

>> No.75844443
File: 97 KB, 225x225, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75844461

Stop doing so much homework. We don't need a million voicepacks.

>> No.75844470

they're twins, they both have allergies

>> No.75844579

One, they've already said only Mococo has allergies. Two, allergies don't do that to your fucking throat. Three, they make OTC allergy meds.

>> No.75844671

OoT + DKC2 + HITMAN + unarchived rnr in one week
just joking I'm fine with them taking a rest I'd rather they stay home cause I know they'd start screaming randomly and it'd cause them to take an even longer break

>> No.75844693

Stop trying to argue with a retard who's trying to downplay the fact that they fucked themselves up kinda bad enough to get their manager to yell at them.

>> No.75844726

Fuck off sister
You're the one posting that

>> No.75844736

>only Mococo has allergies
they never say anything about JAPANESE POLLEN ALLERGIES FOLDED OVER 10000 TIMES
>allergies don't do that to your fucking throat
one of my friend got to ICU specifically because his allergies makes his throat swollen so much he can't breathes
>they make OTC allergy meds
doesn't cure shit

>> No.75844779

By getting more rest
Make sure to come back with a full smile and a healthy voice

>> No.75844797

OTC meds in Japan are also weaker than what they'd be used to in the NWP

>> No.75844888

but based on his post he's clearly retarded too. which would make you also retarded. and now so am i, thanks a lot faggot

>> No.75844938

exhaustion isn't an illness

>> No.75844960

ok define illness

>> No.75845013

a degradation of bodily function caused by microscopic being

>> No.75845036

mental illness is real, it surrounds us

>> No.75845101

mental illness mostly caused by the nanomachines government spreads all over urban area, so yeah, it is real

>> No.75845104

Cuts both ways. Season 2 of Fuwamoco is super disappointing. The Japan timeskip and this arc after it just make me wonder if the writers had any idea what made Season 1 so popular.

>> No.75845308

allergies are retarded. the human body is retarded. Fuck allergies.

>> No.75845329

you shut your mouth
Getting Over It featuring Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong is their best episode so far, better than anything that isn't Marshmallow Mania from Season 1

>> No.75845402

Season 2 has had banger highlight streams, I'm all about it

>> No.75845411

Season 1 is filled with passion, season 2 fells more like a cash grab.

>> No.75845459

Will they hold a gacha for mococo's virginity at the 5 year anniversary? Will she still be able to have puppies at that age?

>> No.75845485

Not with your weak seed

>> No.75845513

9/10 doctor agrees

>> No.75845618

S2 has some good moments but all those moments felt a lot more common in S1.

>> No.75845663

There's more than one winner

>> No.75845680

All me

>> No.75845839

>15% chance per month of getting pregnant after she 35

>> No.75845901
File: 50 KB, 360x560, 360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept those odds

>> No.75845906

Odds improve if I crepepie her 3 times a day I imagine.

>> No.75845920
File: 684 KB, 2384x3030, GCH0_VzawAA9cVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see an issue. We'd just have to keep trying.

>> No.75845974

That just means I can have more sex without worrying about children and potentially ruining her perfect body. I'm seeing no downside. May those eggs rot away dusty and forgotten.

>> No.75846022

I'm unfortunately sterile so if the terms are I get to keep having sex until she's pregnant I'm in it for life but I'll never tell her my secret.

>> No.75846212

First. Sorry if that's true. Second. Fuwawa screens all Ruffian mocosex candidates first herself to test for fertility. You'd be filtered out.

>> No.75846227

They aren't identical twins. You and your siblings may have different allergies.

>> No.75846307

any man can produce sperm for fuwawa, that is a easy test to pass

>> No.75846330
File: 3.80 MB, 374x374, 1705907710489969.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.75846388

>They aren't identical twins

>> No.75846443

let's say you were getting a blowjob+rimjob combo
who's doing what for maximum pleasure?

>> No.75846467

Fluffy gaming week. Off-collabs with koyo and marine.

>> No.75846567

They are, but one has been eating natto regularly for years. Their case study is going to inform medicine for decades

>> No.75846617

I wish I had meet these two earlier, I would be in such a better place right now

>> No.75846693

rimjobs are literally a meme made by fags to make normal people think it's a fine thing to do

>> No.75846785

I mean, I guess you gonna kys yourself after their first grad, so technically you ain't wrong

>> No.75846860

i miss them...

>> No.75846978

You'll never guess what just happened.

>> No.75847006 [DELETED] 


>> No.75847082

>not wanting to create more mini Moco-chans
You're a faggot

>> No.75847143
File: 499 KB, 617x558, fuwawacovetingmococosducks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep hoping for life signs, but I know I'm not going to get any since they're hopefully actually resting this time. I just miss them a lot and hope they can feel better soon

>> No.75847169

Honestly, this enforced break is good for them.

>> No.75847268

The Fuwawa Hitman stream is my favorite stream of all time but S1 was way more consistent.

>> No.75847351
File: 242 KB, 408x424, displeasedfuwa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, and what's good for them is also good for me, but I just always miss them so much when they're gone and don't know what to do about it

>> No.75847383

I think I liked the dog puzzle game stream the most from fluffy week. It was particularly cute and simplistic.

>> No.75847491

For real, I need a supercut of Fuwawa naming all the dogs

>> No.75847498

Fluffy gaming week had alot of things to offer. Good times.

>> No.75847549

I farted.

>> No.75847564

>it just make me wonder if the writers had any idea what made Season 1 so popular.
>The Fuwawa Hitman stream is my favorite stream of all time
Clearly they can still deliver good content then? Consistency comes as they slowly settled into things.

>> No.75847633

just wait, june 8th onward is going to peak cinema

>> No.75847659

Yeah but changing the voice of a major character only to remove her for an undetermined amount of time is really annoying. She was literally half the show.

>> No.75847681

Yeah but by your own words, it was your favorite stream of all time.

>> No.75847751

>FWMC give up on finding a boyfriend and having to pick between the Ruffians and instead settle for a sperm donor

>> No.75847781

it was a constant back and forth of silly stuff, i liked it a lot

>> No.75847783

Yes but the lows of S2 have been harsh and I'd rather my favorite stream of all time also include Mocotyan. I'm leaving out MM for obvious reasons. I believe an even more kino stream still awaits, one with Fuwawa and Mococo.

>> No.75847822

If season 2 has more hitman and Minecraft I think it can redeem itself and even surpass season 1 with a 3D stream

>> No.75847916

I rather look at the highs. S2 is very promising. Dual POVs. Fuwawa solo gaming streams. Off-collabs. Once they put things together, it will be kino.

>> No.75848035

That 3D stream seems in danger right now. It's close to a month since we've heard regular healthy Mococo now.

>> No.75848051

we are on our honeymoon can you fuckers wait a week?

>> No.75848091

Completing DKC2, hitman, 2hu and their MC journey and ultimately finishing off with 3D stream.

>> No.75848112
File: 117 KB, 408x286, 1701395092316175.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got drunk again. I miss my wives...

>> No.75848216

They won't stream this month

>> No.75848254

they already streamed this month

>> No.75848268

>Completing DKC2
They literally never will
If they were playing on switch and had the saves they could brute force it, but they'll get filtered hard in the last world, if they even make it there

>> No.75848296
File: 2.18 MB, 1308x1502, May_streams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They won't stream this month

>> No.75848302

They won't stream anymore this month. There better?

>> No.75848356

>The vast majority of this month was Japanese

>> No.75848375

Thats what you doubters always say and they somehow figure things out.

>> No.75848450

Retard cant even count lol.

>> No.75848714

You guys are having your own Gura house hunting arc
it only goes down from here...

>> No.75849009

Heh, they work so much they would never have time to meet someone as a boyfriend outside of people they work with.
>People they work with
>People... they work with
>mind suddenly flashes to every single guy that has likely met them in holopro
Yep. My brain is fucked and there's no saving me. I guess I'll just off myself now. See you later /baubau/ in hell. Let me know how season 2 Frieren goes.

>> No.75849137
File: 1.64 MB, 1308x1502, Guide2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go buddy! I've gone ahead and condensed the two-pov streams into one. There were empty spaces, so I filled them with some things that might interest you. Take your time. I know the numbers only go up to 10, so feel free to find a friend and borrow their fingers once you're done. Or maybe minus Fuwamoco Morning if you need to shift that goalpost. You learnt subtraction already, right?

>> No.75849142

It's only been down since Japan. They'll come back now and then with a great steam like Gura would return and do a stream but the overall trend isn't looking great.

>> No.75849217

there's a reason why trust and transparency are the things people seek the most

>> No.75849241

Every single JAPANESE guy. Which is a huge bonus.

>> No.75849272

NTA but I appreciate the effort kek

>> No.75849324
File: 177 KB, 352x349, distraughtfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'll be back eventually, but not soon enough to stop me from missing them

>> No.75849351

I hate to say it but I was just shitposting. I don't really care because I'm an idolfag entertainment schizo anyway. Gomen

>> No.75849524

I was watching their early karaoke streams again because I missed them. Damn those were some really great performances. They must've practiced like hell for them trying to get things perfect since they had more time to spare back then.

>> No.75849553

Kill yourself nigger

>> No.75849643

they hate having to practice (except for stuff like BBBB) so i dont think they did it beyond the first one

>> No.75849743

They didnt practice. The only times they practice is for BBBB.

>> No.75849889

Tourist here. I've been able to gauge the morale of this community over time by the number and manner of replies to this ritual post specifically.
Checking today, things must be pretty fucking grim.

>> No.75849957

where's your baubau

>> No.75849992

Aa a former chumbie I don't want to worry quite yet but I've seen how it could start...

>> No.75850029

fwmc morning doesn't count

>> No.75850099

Least obvious samefag. Where do these retards even come from

>> No.75850117

kys japcuck

>> No.75850128

Would it have been kino if they had joined the MC hardcore holosabah

>> No.75850180

it would be over in 20 minutes

>> No.75850184

>20 minutes long stream

>> No.75850195

They would probably die really fast but it would have been fun. I definitely think they would have wanted to join.

>> No.75850324

It's BAU BAU tourist

>> No.75850452

Too soon. They can join in half a year, right now they still need to learn the basics

>> No.75850549
File: 1.19 MB, 1191x1191, 1703277669357865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the last one was good. Once in a while they do interesting segments.

>> No.75850653
File: 123 KB, 1261x979, 1696403405986186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuwawa mentioned wanting to eat noodles off the floor
>she gets sick after the stream

>> No.75850669


>> No.75850707


>> No.75850741
File: 142 KB, 341x329, deviousfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is she like this?

>> No.75850807
File: 301 KB, 1487x2048, F76bBGqbQAAy0xs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's my super silly, fluffy, delicate wife.

>> No.75850824

fuwawa is watching

>> No.75850867

I just want one sniff. ONE SNIFF. Of Fuwawa's pheromones.

>> No.75850893

you can't handle the dangerous fuwawa smell

>> No.75850967

I don't believe it

>> No.75850975

you don’t believe in fuwawa?

>> No.75851010

no she's a figment of my imagination

>> No.75851043
File: 139 KB, 1200x885, 1700480068419504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about Mococo...?

>> No.75851124

Mocotyan rabu rabu rabu rabu suki suki suki rabu

>> No.75851186
File: 840 KB, 2894x4093, GAq3sS3a4AAje3e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I go to bed holding my pillow and thinking about cuddling with Mococo more and more often. It's over for me

>> No.75851215

Good morning! i see fwmc weren't in the off collab. hope they get some mentions,

>> No.75851257


>> No.75851271
File: 209 KB, 340x764, Mococo Ah, goodnight![sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl6aoqh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they got a few mentions yeah

>> No.75851302
File: 7 KB, 881x680, 17115888907524551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Ruffian!

>> No.75851333
File: 43 KB, 708x398, 1702750108594234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sleep well

>> No.75851577

Most of the regloss members are kinda in the same situation, though the senpais seem happy to help them (or enslave them).

And if they die, Pekora would probably just have them sell their soul to her like she did with Nenechi

>> No.75852068

Sometimes I wonder how many people here are shitposting samefags vs actual ruffians. I'm not affected by this situation at all. I look as taking a break as normal at best and understandable enough at worst. I could at least understand the shit people thought that went down after mengen and the shit people thought after the 'asmr' (or whatever you want to call it) Nodoka stream, but I don't get this situation. All the doomposting and "they're turning into gura" bait seems much more artificial. I've kept an eye on the other social media platforms. People seem concerned for their health understandably enough but definitely not all doom and gloom like last some threads. It's practically a "wait for a week or two for them to recover and this will all blow over." I don't think that's too bad a situation and health considered.

Are the raiders and sisters not sending their best? Maybe there really isn't much to work with so they're trying to push for whatever narratives they can. Speaking of gura bait, it's practically getting to /ggg/ levels of /vt/ public toilet low quality shitposting.

>> No.75852162

thread is dead, suddenly>>75852068 sigh even if this isn't bait you are trying way to hard

>> No.75852298

Oh I didn't notice it was dead honestly. I got here just now after stepping away for awhile. Was thinking of the threads earlier and then was reading up on this one and saw the earlier posts.

>> No.75852503


>> No.75852566

>It's practically a "wait for a week or two for them to recover and this will all blow over."
Yeah, that's basically it. I'm worried about them but am also willing to wait.
I think most ruffians not shitposting are arguing on the cause and speculating on what could be happening, rather than accept the reality of "There's nothing to do, so just sit and wait" because it's boring. Then the menheras get it stuck in their heads and it's predictable where that goes

>> No.75852615

un un

>> No.75852689

I get why they hate Nerissa and Shiori but why Biboo?

>> No.75852737

fwmc tried to bite biboo once and chipped a tooth

>> No.75852756

She is in the competition for the sexiest Holo, it's understandable.

>> No.75852761

This faggot is not even trying

>> No.75852805

I'm not really worried, but I do think they're unusually quiet. Or at the least they're handling it in a different way that might come across as a bit unusual for them.

>> No.75852839
File: 148 KB, 348x359, goodnightfuwawa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going to bed to hopefully have a dream about them, goodnight

>> No.75852864
File: 124 KB, 500x500, MocoSleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gnight ruffian

>> No.75852874

This is the worst I've felt out of all of the recent events

>> No.75852926

mococo does sex for payment

>> No.75852937

I pay her in cum

>> No.75852946

her payment is my seed

>> No.75853049
File: 143 KB, 500x500, Fuwasleep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn luffians
daisenpai's birthday live's today

>> No.75853125
File: 126 KB, 1280x1280, 1714009787304466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight Ruffian!

>> No.75853369

The level of inactivity is very strange for them. Normally they'd make a post keeping people updated, a simple "We're sick please wait for us" with no further information is out of character, thats all. I hope they are getting rest and management aren't pulling tricks on them

>> No.75853384

no puptalk today...

>> No.75853389

they're out on dates

>> No.75853649
File: 1.87 MB, 1280x720, I GOT A GLOCK IN MY RARI [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fpfbknj.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Intro: Mococo]
BAU, BAU, look

[Replace the repeated "ayy ayy" ad libs with "BAU BAU"]

[Verse 1: Mococo]
Puppy girl, you're so dang fine, BAU
I'm tryna know if I could pounce it from behind, BAU
I'm sniffing on you like some canine, BAU
And when it's over, I press rewind BAU
You talking birds, girl, I got it
Nerissa's all in my pocket
I traded in my BAPEs for some GLAMOURs
She playing Fluffy, Fuzzy's gon' rob her, BAU
I got a rock in my Shiori, BAU
17 gems, no full of hate, BAU
I got a rock in my Shiori
17 gems, no full of hate

[Chorus: Mococo]
I'm like, yeah, she's fine
Wonder when she'll be mine
She walk past, I press rewind
To see that fluff one more time
And I got this soda
FUWAMOCO, they know us
All pon de rings, Mister Donuts
No one can control us

[Verse 2: Fuwawa]
Tell me what you see
Is it Fuzzy or it's me?
I eat twenty, smell the natto
I got ruffians in my V
They like, "Fluffy, can you be my caring mommy?"
I'm like, "Yeah"
I got GLAMOURs on my skirts
You see the wings on every pair
All you see is FUWAMOCO
Y'know my ruffians everywhere
And if somebody got a problem
We could meet up everywhere
Now go say something
Don't you ruffians play dumb
You know where we came from
You don't want sauce, no mayo

[Chorus: Mococo]
I'm like, yeah, she's fine
Wonder when she'll be mine
She walk past, I press rewind
To see that fluff one more time
And I got this soda
FUWAMOCO, they know us
All pon de rings, Mister Donuts
No one can control us

[Verse 3: Perroccino - this was originally removed from the album for being an asshole, however, it's used in the AI cover]
BAU, she a cutie and she fine, make me wanna make her mine
She ain't nothing like them bimbos
If you like it, we can swerve, we can light and stain up here
Blowing, pluck it out the window
We get playing, press rewind, got her singing every time
Take a high note for me, girlfriend
Got my city looking wack
I ain't Fuzzy, or Fuwawa, but I think I need a girlfriend
She feeling great as I'm talking to her
She a PeroGirl, so I'm gon' pursue her
I bought a lot of loud, lot of rufflens to sip on
Thousand dollars when I get my tip on
I'm off her, asked her if her fatty real
She said that's all her, got her with the happy feel
I'm 'bout to spoil her, go-go-got her with the happy feel
I'm 'bout to spoil her, oh, my

[Chorus: Mococo]
I'm like, yeah, she's fine
Wonder when she'll be mine
She walk past, I press rewind
To see that fluff one more time
And I got this soda
FUWAMOCO, they know us
All pon de rings, Mister Donuts
No one can control us

>> No.75853766

I hate modern rap

>> No.75853967
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>> No.75854005

this is fucking terrible
kill yourself subhuman

>> No.75854064
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>> No.75854084

Why does Fuwawa prostitute her sister?

>> No.75854093

Very rude. BAU BAU BAU.

>> No.75854178
File: 652 KB, 2975x1925, 752470d45094fc6ead9adef5b3366814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she only pimps her out to me, her husband

>> No.75854265

no hes right its terrible

>> No.75854322
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>> No.75854378
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>> No.75854386
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>> No.75854447
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>> No.75854467

have they seriously gone radio silent on twitter when they've always been addicted to it?

>> No.75854486
File: 357 KB, 543x591, mococo doubt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fine, it's your opinion, but calling me a subhuman, as if I'm the same as doxniggers and raidniggers, was very rude.

>> No.75854514

they did so several times during the jp move, this time feels more like management forcing them desu

>> No.75854526

yes, that's the point

>> No.75854534
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>> No.75854557
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They were fighting over the phone and broke it...

>> No.75854573
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>> No.75854590

>they did so several times
Yeah, but in about like 2 hours they'll hit 48 hours of zero activity which will be a new record

>> No.75854608
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>> No.75854655
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gn ruffians!

>> No.75854665

they hate us...

>> No.75854666

would they still pop in free chat if it was still around?

>> No.75854692
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night, ruffian

>> No.75854698

We deserve it.

>> No.75854734
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>> No.75854787

I get the feeling things won't be the same after this one. In fact it feels like there are some changes that have been coming for a while now and this might be the moment it finally happens.

>> No.75854826

Things already haven't been the same since the move and I don't like it.

>> No.75854865


>> No.75854902

I sure hope so, they need to be more reasonable going forward

>> No.75854912

I don't think Mococo would like it if I kiss my step-sister Fuwawa

>> No.75854924

Just shut the fuck up already, I've been hearing the same thing on loop since their move and I'm sick of it.
Fuck off

>> No.75855049

It makes you wonder what FuwaMocos version of "the talk" is going to be

>> No.75855170

idk, but you better all start learning japanese or you won't understand a single word of it.

>> No.75855405

You're using this bait in a timezone where people watch JP streams every day. You need to use it during NA hours if you want to get people scared of Japanese content

>> No.75855453
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>I got a rock in my Shiori, BAU

>> No.75855812

>Wash your fucking hands
Anyone saying this in 2024 has to be taking the piss. Wear a fucking N95/FFP2.

>> No.75855838

You can't say with a straight face that things are still the same. Shit has been uncomfy since February and everyone knows it.

>> No.75855862
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I for one am all for it.
I have studied the jong
I WILL no longer only place last

>> No.75856245

>I WILL no longer only place last
I'm about to go to sleep but I could make a room tonight

>> No.75856352

Well, of course. After this, I assume management will be watching them closely to make sure they dont accidentally kill themselves anymore. I also assume they'll fully accept that they just won't hit one million by their anniversary, let alone December.
They're probably in a really bad place mentally at the moment.

>> No.75856386

I'm an anti-JP stream NA bro up too late but the JP cuckery card was already played so now it's washed and doesn't work. It was proven already to be a nothingburger. Better bait is needed. I'm not enticed at all.

>> No.75856426

>let alone December.
It's still 100% doable by the end of the year
3D, more covers, maybe an orisong, appearances in 3D birthday lives and official streams
There's so much left in this year that can still give them a good boost

>> No.75856547

It's doable, but I'm not holding my breath. If they miss the goal by their anniversary, then I just don't want to see them move the goalpost to the end of the year, only to not hit that as well... Especially cause doubling down on this goal right after they finished moving in is what caused this whole situation to begin with

>> No.75856590

I think they'd have to really fuck up hard to not hit 1 million by the end of the year. 1 million by the anniversary was unlikely and gets more unlikely since the move and now this break.

>> No.75856610

>They're probably in a really bad place mentally at the moment
Your whole post is a big jump in response to a big jump of assumptions granted kind of par for the course /here/ and I guess they're unhappy with the situation but I doubt they're much more upset than they were before. They already mentioned doing the math on it. They know how unrealistic the 1 mil is by anniversary but their point they made was they still want to do their best and not give up on it.
I found it to be bittersweetly admirable. It's chasing towards an unrealistic goal. It's like cheering on a terminally ill cancer patient that has a positive mental attitude and says they're going to fight on no matter what. Bittersweet.

>> No.75856697

Hitting by the end of the year is a forgone conclusion. Current projection has them hitting it in October. They'd need to slow down a lot to miss 1 million by the end of the year.

>> No.75856880
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>> No.75856956
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>> No.75857223
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>> No.75857302

Well, it was a good run. I'll be going on ahead, Ruffians.

>> No.75857336
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>We won't slowly drift away
>We'll always be here or on twitter

Why...? Why did they lie to us? Do they hate us now?

>> No.75857361
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>> No.75857463

Numberfagging on the 1 mil sub math:
Not necessarily accurate, half eyeballed, they gained 2 to max 3k subs a day during Golden Week. Fluffy week was 0-3k subs. The 3k sub gains happened with vertical streams. Their rate when not streaming is roughly 500 subs a day. FuwaMoco anniversary is July 31. They need in the 77 days 166k subs, meaning 2.16k subs a day.
That means if their usual metrics stay the same theyd have to be on pace like GW or vertical streams without breaks.
If they don't stream until Monday next week it'd be about 2.28k needed every day if they keep up 500 subs a day when not streaming.
If they don't stream until the 27th, a two week break, it'd be about 2.46k needed every day left if they keep up 500 subs a day when not streaming

Conclusion is that it's simultaneously possible and impossible. Still in the realm of hitting it if you vertical spam the shit out of your content and manage not to piss off your current fanbase to the point of leaving in the process. Impossible in the sense of you'll be killing yourself to hit it and it would likely end up going against the "FuwaMoco way" as they call it.

>> No.75857503

no, don't die! They will come back soon! I promise.

>> No.75857520
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>> No.75857560

Just squeeze all the buffs into a single stream. Vertical totsumachi endurance where they call every single Holomem and sing one song with each of them chosen by a poll in the chat

>> No.75857583

Yeah, whatever you say, FuwaMoco
Congrats on the 48 hours! I'm going to sleep

>> No.75857587
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>> No.75857618

Huh? I just went for an afternoon jog then went to get some food before Sora's birthday. Of course FuwaMoco will be back soon.

>> No.75857667

>they call every single Holomem and sing one song with each of them
>Wuffians you keep saying "you're farming holomems"
>I'm not farming holomems.
>I'm Fuwawa!
>Don't be silly!
I would laugh lol

>> No.75857668

You just don't understand what the FuwaMoco way is then.

>> No.75857687
File: 62 KB, 828x556, 1710035144545201.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, fuck this shit there is something WRONG right now.

>> No.75857798
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48 hours of complete radio silence...

>> No.75857825
File: 83 KB, 800x547, kamikaze-kamikaze-zero-aircraft-carrier-warbird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "accomplishing goals no matter the cost" Way of FuwaMoco seems strangely familiar.

>> No.75857830
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>> No.75857874
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>> No.75857885

Yeah and how did that go for them?

>> No.75857888

Do you think if we plead with the Emperor of Japan they will stand down and change their ways?

>> No.75857908
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>> No.75857910

Thanks jongffian, I'm at work now but I'll join in later if there's space

>> No.75857915
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No. We must humiliate the Emperor *again*.

>> No.75857941
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>> No.75858032

They could have stayed instead of moving to Japan
They could have kept their routine
They could have bonded more with Advent instead of isolating themselves
They could have focused on EN ruffians instead of the nonexistent JP ones
They could have reached 1 million if not for all their stupid decisions

And you STILL fully defend them without questioning any of their objectively poor decisions.

>> No.75858034
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At least they'll go out with a bang.

>> No.75858074
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>> No.75858115

FWMC morning in 5 hours.

>> No.75858118

And you could have killed yourself last year, but here we are

>> No.75858128

Moving to Japan was a good decision
They've already bonded with Advent and are good friends with all of them
Reaching out to their JP fans was a good decision
They will still reach 1 million subs before the end of the year

>> No.75858147

>It's wednesday
wtf, where'd the time go?

>> No.75858155
File: 98 KB, 292x345, 1711954455214765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are right... Moving to Japan was a mistake

>> No.75858160

A guerilla fwmc morning? that would be interesting.

>> No.75858224
File: 103 KB, 286x307, evenmoredistraughtmogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We'll get a tweet today... right?

>> No.75858236

Moving to Japan was a good decision, moving at the time they did and the way they did was a poor decision.

>> No.75858255

Not until suzu gives them the keys to their account back

>> No.75858329

Well I won't deny it could have been planned better but they saw an opportunity and they took it. They've always been look before you leap types, it's endearing. It doesn't matter now, they're there and will find their feet eventually. With 3D on the horizon now they're going to get a lot of benefit from being there.

>> No.75858336

Yes, I agree. If the million subs thing is that important to them they should have waited to reach it before moving to japan.

>> No.75858374

borrowing your calculation, since there's still 254 days until 31 december (~ 3*77 days), they just need approx (2.16k/3)~> 700 subs per day to reach 1M by the end of the year
which is just really barely above their sub growth when not streaming

I guess we WILL reach it by the end of this year at least

>> No.75858379
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>> No.75858431


>> No.75858473
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>> No.75858485

The move to Japan was a poor choice in terms of it being ill timed. Moving there was always going to be objectively "good"
They would never keep their routine. It kept shifting around even in the NWP
They are close friends with Advent. This rrat sucks
Trying to appeal to a fanbase that isn't yours already is almost always a bad choice. Mostly an exception this time as they do have JP ruffians, but I personally would prefer less tourists regardless of language
A miracle could still happen, who knows? But they would've had an easier time had they not moved, yes

I do not defend bad decisions, but they aren't my mistakes to make. I can say whatever I want, and it changes nothing

>> No.75858484


>> No.75858577
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>> No.75858598
File: 101 KB, 560x560, @1mymiya GEI-5nhbAAIq3Ub.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuv ya

>> No.75858613
File: 59 KB, 205x204, fuwawawalonging.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man

>> No.75858641


>> No.75858654


>> No.75858765
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>> No.75858819

Serious question, do you think they're resting right now or are they stressing out over the next tweet they're gonna make?

>> No.75858848

Hi Fuwamoco, remember that it's all shitposts

>> No.75858894

they’re having sex with each other

>> No.75858912

Don't take anything you read here too seriously you two. Love you, miss you. But even happier you're resting.

>> No.75858919

They're building gunpla model kits.

>> No.75858963

Probably resting and doing the lighter homework, assuming they aren't that sick, but you never know.

>> No.75859171

The one thing they should be doing since they are also resting their voices is getting cutlery and some furniture. Advent is in Japan and they cant even host them...

>> No.75859225
File: 89 KB, 886x1024, GLNuCjqWQAAtJS_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I tweet this with #FUWAMOCO if they keep the radio silence for another day?


>> No.75859234

Why does Mococo refuse to get the big sofa.

>> No.75859254

this Minecraft thing is looking pretty kino

>> No.75859256

what about mococo

>> No.75859269

bad feng shui

>> No.75859286

Doesn't like the texture

>> No.75859305

I can't believe femruffian actually did that

>> No.75859382

It's unnecessary. Her line of thinking is "How often will we actually use all of it? It's better to use that space for something else now that we actually have the space to think about it." or something like that

>> No.75859392
File: 23 KB, 212x275, moco_real_vampire_lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to lick the femruffian's cuts.

>> No.75859423
File: 204 KB, 1185x1758, 1708099898944604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She wants to be able to sit in Nerissa's lap when the other girls come over.

>> No.75860491
File: 160 KB, 413x382, 1657426102645.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the fuck are your dogs lately? fuwawa is ill now too?

>> No.75860634

They're training to achieve ultra instinct

>> No.75860649

They're having sex (with me)

>> No.75860655


>> No.75860763

Probably not.
I suspect that management forced them both to take a break because even during Fluffy Week, Mococo couldn't rest completely because Fuwawa still needed her help without various things behind the scenes to be able to stream.

>> No.75860830

I want to time travel back in time to quarantine Mococo from whatever it is she caught

>> No.75860850


>> No.75860874


>> No.75860906
File: 195 KB, 2048x1522, 1658886612681913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moco voice will be like that forever now

>> No.75860948

Not exactly ill. Mococo had seasonal allergies, which hit her throat and made her voice very rough. Despite this, she went ahead to stream 16 times in a week. To make up for it, she "took it easy" the next week by only doing 3 streams, a meet and greet and sing 8 songs in the Taipei event.
In this extremely light week that no fan could possibly be fully satisfied by, Fuwawa held the fort with Fluffy Week, doing an extra 4 solo streams. They ended up being only 3, because the fourth one, which would happen after Taipei singing, had to be cancelled because neither of them had their voices anymore.
TLDR: Cute hags think they can beat nature, nature puts them in their place.

>> No.75860962
File: 142 KB, 850x1336, 1708645711162499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have forsaken us.
We were not worthy of their love.
The only thing we can do now is end ourselves and hope that they can regain their happiness again once we are gone.

>> No.75860965

Cover forced them to move back to the NW Passage

>> No.75861031

Don't use my game to shitpost.

>> No.75861120

Don't use my bro Oscar like this.

>> No.75861153

Is it true that you can tame FuwaMoco with food like the dogs that they are?

>> No.75861188

Doggie treats are effective yes.

>> No.75861207

you need to be a cute girl

>> No.75861298
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>> No.75861305

I’ll have them eat pin-de-rings off my erect dick.

>> No.75861645

hashire gooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.75862066

I always wondered what sticking my dick into a jar of peanut butter would be like

>> No.75862097

like bags of peanuts and butter

>> No.75862135

I'm so ready for the FWMC morning!

>> No.75862140
File: 938 KB, 1920x3240, sora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sora's new outfit.

>> No.75862167


>> No.75862203
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>> No.75862366

So their bodies and souls are for sale at some price or another. Why couldn't they be wolves instead. Wolves are proud and noble animals. They're not like dogs.

>> No.75862380

i'm sleepy

>> No.75862521

Hmmm maybe the chunky brand isn't a good idea

>> No.75862741

Nah its cause they love me, and are my girlfriends.

>> No.75862786

Probably a bitch to clean if someone else doesn't do it for you.

>> No.75862869


>> No.75862952

Sora's legs.

>> No.75862983

god i love this song

>> No.75863035

Sora is probably one of the most sexual Holos. Something about her just makes me want to defile her, despite her plain design.
